I just wanted to share some of the quotes from the book “Letters To The Church” by Francis Chan. These few paragraphs were quite thought provoking. “Over the past decade, it has been refreshing to see Christians have a greater awareness of people’s thoughts and feelings......this is a good thing. In so doing, however, many have made a damning mistake: they have lost sight of Gods thoughts and desires. In their compassion for people, they have ignored the holiness of God. They have forgotten that what God feels about an issue dwarfs what any human feels.” “In an effort to be sensitive to others, we often lose sight of truth.” “True compassion takes into account far more than what a person feels today; it takes into account what he or she will feel on judgement day.” “Jesus never lost sight of Gods holiness and the offensiveness of sin” These come from pages 136 & 137 if you have the book. I’d be interested in hearing how these words resonated with you.
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A real friend will tell you the truth, even when it hurts.
Proverbs 27:6 NKJV — Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.